This option is only available with Evolution networks. This feature overrides any other control of selected luminaires in a defined scene. Despite the name, Emergency Smart Switching is not intended for true emergency lighting applications. It is more like an “override” option.

A scene is assigned to the Emergency Smart Switch device. When the power to the device is switched ON, the assigned scene is activated and will only be disabled when power to the device is switched OFF again. i.e. Any luminaires used in the scene cannot be controlled until the Emergency Smart Switched device is powered OFF.

Luminaires used in an “Emergency” scene MUST be powered separately from the Emergency Smart Switched device. i.e. The same power switch cannot be used to switch power to the luminaires in the scene and the Emergency Smart Switched device.

Example of the power connection to an Emergency Smart Switched device:

The Emergency scene will only be active when power is ON to the Emergency Smart Switched device.