- Overview to Casambi Pro projects
- Creating a new project
- Project information
- Opening a project
- Saving a project
- Closing a project
- Sharing a project
- Deleting a project
- Duplicating a project
- Project Explorer pane in main workspace
- Notes about projects
Overview to Casambi Pro projects
In Casambi Pro, lighting system configurations are designed and maintained inside a project.
A project contains
- General project information
- Layouts
- Spaces, which contain
- Luminaire groups,
- Controllers and schedules
- Scenes
- Networks which can have Casambi Cloud Gateways
Elements and their hierarchical relations in Casambi Pro:
- Layout
- Space
- Space 1 is attached to a network but it has only virtual elements in it (one group, three controllers).
- Space 2 is attached to the same network but it has one real luminaire and two controllers paired to it.
- Luminaire groups inside spaces.
- A virtual group which does not yet have any luminaires paired to it.
- A group where one real luminaire has been paired.
- Controllers
- Virtual controllers (schedule, switch, sensor) which can be configured in advance.
- Controller after it has been paired.
- A controller that is still unpaired (virtual)
- Casambi Cloud Gateway
- There can be one gateway in a network. Cloud gateways can be placed anywhere in project’s layouts, they do not need to reside inside spaces.
- There can be one gateway in a network. Cloud gateways can be placed anywhere in project’s layouts, they do not need to reside inside spaces.
- Network
- A project can have one or many networks.
- Virtual networks must be created before real devices can be paired.
- When the first real device is paired, the virtual network changes to real Casambi Pro network.
- A network is not restricted to items in a certain layout. Spaces in different layouts can belong to any network.
- Note: Networks are not drawn in the layout views.
Creating a new project
New projects are created with Casambi Pro for Windows, at the Backstage view. A project cannot be created with Pro for iOS.
When the New… tab in the Backstage is clicked, a dialog is displayed for entering a name for the project and setting the time zone. The project name can be changed later in the project details view.
NOTE: Projects can be created only with the Windows version of Casambi Pro.
After a project is created, the main workspace is displayed. A new project does not have any contents, so the user interface has some help texts to guide user to get started.
Project information
When a project is open, its detailed information can be accessed from the Backstage view, by clicking the Project tab. The project information view has three sub-tabs: Details, Location and Members. Note: The project information is not yet available in Pro for iOS.
Project name is mandatory, and it can be changed in the Project Information view.
The project information is included in exported project documentation.
The details tab provides a collection of general metadata items.
- Client
- Site address
- Commissioning company
- Specifier
- Project type
- Project size
- Description (free text)
This view displays also information about the current user and provides a button for creating a duplicate of the currently open project.
Project location and time zone can be set in the Location tab.
- Location is set by finding the correct place in the map and clicking at the right coordinate.
- Time zone can be selected from the drop-down list.
Project members
Casambi project can be shared with others. This is done in the Members tab in Project information view.
When a project is created, the creator automatically gets an Owner role in a project. In the initial version of Casambi Pro, there are two user role options:
- Owner:Has all rights to the project
- There must always be at least one user with Owner role in a project. Thus, if a project is handed over to e.g. another stakeholder, the receiving party must have at least one user with Owner rights to be able to fully manage the project.
- Only an Owner can delete a project. Thus, it is strongly recommended that the Owner role is given to only those persons who really need it and understand what they can do with the Owner rights.
- Only Owner can add or remove users to a project. Owners can remove also other owners.
- Editor: Can do everything else in a project except
- Cannot delete the project and
- Cannot add new members to a project.
There is no limit on the number of members in a project.
- The Invite new member button is used for adding new members to a project. The button is visible only to users with Owner role.
- The Edit and Delete buttons (pen and trash can icons) are used for changing member’s user role and for removing members from a project. The button is visible only to users with Owner role.
Opening a project
Casambi Pro projects are opened by clicking a project row in the project list view in the Backstage. If a project is open, it is indicated in the project row.
An internet connection is always required for opening, editing, and saving a Casambi Pro project. There is no offline edit capability in Pro. Casambi Pro is continuously saving all edits to the cloud storage, so the internet connection is needed.
To avoid conflicts in configuration changes made simultaneously in multiple devices, a project can be opened only on one device at a time for editing. If you want to open and edit it in another device, it must be first closed on the device where it is currently open.
However, if a project is open and edited in Casambi Pro for Windows, it can be opened on Pro for iOS in read-only mode. In read-only mode, user can browse the project but cannot make any changes in it.
Saving a project
Saving the project can be done both manually and automatically. When saved, the project is saved to the Casambi Pro cloud service, keeping the project always up to date.
Automatic saving
On both Windows and iOS versions of Casambi Pro, projects are automatically saved.
- If some changes are made to a project and it has not been saved manually, the application will automatically save the project after the set time interval value set in the Settings view.
- Saving interval can be set in the Settings view. Default interval is 1 minute.
- The bottom bar shows the saving status when it is in progress.
- Automatic saving cannot be turned off.
- Project is always saved automatically when there are new changes to be saved.
Manual saving
In Casambi Pro for Windows, a project can be always saved manually by clicking the Save button at the Home ribbon of the main workspace.
There is no manual save option in the iOS version, changes are changed always automatically.
Closing a project
A project can be closed both manually and automatically.
Manual closing of project
Project is closed by navigating to the Backstage view and pressing the Close button in the left ribbon.
Project is closed by navigating to the Backstage by pressing the arrow button in the top left corner in the main workspace top toolbar. In iOS, project is also closed if user navigates away from the Casambi Pro (= switches to another application or navigates to the operating system’s home screen).
Automatic closing of project
The auto-close feature works on both Windows and iOS versions of the application.
If user leaves the project idle for 15 minutes (= there are no changes made to the project), the project will be automatically closed. After 15 minutes of idle time, the "Automatic closing
of the project" dialog will pop up and display a message about the auto close. To continue working on the project, the “Continue” button must be clicked within two minutes. If the button is not clicked, the project will be closed, and the project is unlocked.
Sharing a project
Casambi Pro projects can be shared between multiple users. A project owner can invite new project members by sending them an invitation email from the Members tab in the Project view.
Inviting a new member
- As a project owner, navigate to the Members view and click the Invite new member button.
- In the opened dialog, enter the invitee’s email address and click the Invite button.
An invitation email is sent to the entered email address. The email contains an invitation code together with instructions of how to access and install Casambi Pro.
Using the invitation code to join a project
- If the invitee does not yet have Casambi Pro, they need to install it first to a Microsoft Windows PC. Link to the installation file can be found in the project invitation email.
- After installing Casambi Pro for Windows, the invitee must sign in to Casambi Pro. If they don’t yet have a Pro account, they need to sign up first and then sign in.
- When in Casambi Pro for Windows, the invitee can join a project by pressing the Join… link at the Backstage and enter the invitation code into the opened dialog.
- Finally, after using the code, the sharing operation is finished by the person who sent the invitation. They need to open the project once with in the iOS version of the Casambi Pro to confirm the full access has been granted also to the iOS version (the UI does not ask any confirmation, opening the project once by the inviter is enough).
Deleting a project
Projects can be deleted only in Casambi Pro for Windows, and only by a user with the Owner rights. If a project has any paired devices in it, it cannot be deleted before the paired devices are unpaired from the project.
A project can be deleted by clicking the Delete button (trash can icon) in the project list. The button is disabled if user does not have rights to delete the project.
It is not possible to delete a project in Pro for iOS.
Duplicating a project
Projects can be duplicated with Casambi Pro for Windows. When a project is open and it has no unsaved changes, it can be duplicated by pressing the Duplicate Project button in the Project Details view.
Before duplication, click the Save button to be sure that there are no unsaved changes in the project.
After clicking the Duplicate Project button, a dialog is displayed where you can enter a name for the new copy of the project.
The duplication of a project does not copy any real paired devices or networks, only the project structure together with all elements and their configuration is copied. Controllers and connector devices (gateways) will be replaced with placeholder objects in the created project duplicate.
When the project duplicate is ready, currently open project will be closed.
- Project duplication can be done only with Casambi Pro for Windows.
- Project items cannot be copied from project to another project via clipboard.
Project Explorer pane in main workspace
In the main workspace, the contents of the layouts in the project is collected into the Project Explorer pane.
The Project Explorer works similarly in both Windows and iOS versions of Casambi Pro.
Notes about projects
- Project items cannot be copied from project to another project.
- Existing Casambi networks created with the Casambi App cannot be opened in or imported to Casambi Pro.