

Overview to layouts

Layouts are canvases where all spaces, luminaire groups and controllers are placed in. Every project must have at least one layout. There is no absolute limit to the number of layouts in a project, but it is good to note that a large number of layouts can make the application slower especially if the floor plan images used in layouts are big and there lots of devices are added to them.


Usually, a floor plan image is used at the background of the layout, on top of which the elements are placed. Image files in PDF, PNG, JPG or BMP file formats can be imported to layouts. Using an image is not mandatory, a layout can be created also without a background image.


Vector image formats like DWG, DXF, or SVG are not supported.


Creating a new layout

New layouts can be created only with Casambi Pro for Windows.



To create a new layout,

  1. Click on the New icon button in the Home ribbon and select Layout, or
  2. Right-click in the Project Explorer pane and select New Layout command, or
  3. If the project does not yet have any layouts, click the orange link in the Project Explorer.


A New layout dialog is opened:



Layout name can be entered in the Name field (mandatory). 


The background image can be added by clicking the Browse… link. A file browser is opened, where the image file can be selected. 


In case you select a PDF file, an additional dialog is opened where you can preview and select which page in the PDF is imported. If the image is in vector format in the PDF, it will be rasterized when it is imported to the Casambi Pro. Please note, that the PDF import process can sometimes take a while, depending on complexity of the file.


A screenshot of a blueprint

Description automatically generated 

Notes about PDF import

  • It is recommended to crop large images to contain only the essential contents that is needed to be displayed in the background of a layout.
  • Very large images will affect the performance of the application, slowing it down.
  • Importing large PDF vector images may take several minutes, during which the app UI may appear to be frozen.
  • If importing a PDF is too slow or unreliable, it is recommended to convert it first to a PNG and use that in the background.



Opening and closing a layout



Layouts are listed in the Project Explorer pane on both Windows and iOS apps. To open a layout, click layout’s name in the layout list.


Layout viewport

Layouts are shown at the centre of the Casambi Pro screen, in the main viewport/work area. 


  • The view can be zoomed in and out with the mouse wheel (Windows) or finger pinch gesture (iOS). 
  • The view can be panned horizontally and vertically by mouse click + drag (Windows) or finger drag (iOS).
  • In Casambi Pro for Windows, several layouts can be open at the same time. Opened layouts are displayed as tabs on top of the layout viewport. A layout can be closed by pressing the X icon in the layout label tab.
  • In Casambi Pro for iOS, only one layout can be open at a time. Layouts can be changed by tapping layout names in the Project Explorer pane.


Layout properties

When layout is selected, its properties are displayed in the Properties pane.


  • Layout name
  • Background image file.
     The image can be changed or removed by using the commands in the drop-down menu. When replacing the image, it is recommended to use same size and scale in both old and new images.
  • Visibility of the background image.
     The visibility slider controls the opacity of the image. The switch control can be used for hiding the image.
  • The Notes field can be used for entering text comments for the layout.



Deleting a layout

Layout can be deleted only in Casambi Pro for Windows by clicking the Delete button (trash can icon) in the layout properties.


Note, that if there are any real paired devices in the layout, it cannot be deleted before the paired devices are unpaired. 


Notes about layouts

  • Layouts can be added to projects only in Casambi Pro for Windows.
  • Supported file formats are PDF, PNG, JPG and BMP.
  • PDF or PNG are the recommended formats for line drawings.
  • Vector file formats like DWG, DXF or SVG are not supported.
  • It is recommended not to import huge images to the layouts, as it may affect the application performance and stability.
  • When replacing the original layout image with new one, it is recommended to use same size and scaling than in the original image file. If the new image has different size, the overlay elements (spaces etc.) will be in incorrect locations. In this case, the background image can be scaled by using the Edit Layout button in the top ribbon.
  • Networks are not shown in the layout views.
  • Objects on a layout can be selected by clicking them. Multi-selection is possible with Ctrl + click. When multiple elements are selected, they can be moved in the layout, but their properties cannot be edited.
  • Keyboard arrow keys can be used for moving selected objects on the layout. One arrow key press moves the element 1 unit to the desired direction, Shift + arrow key press moves it 10 units.



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