

Overview to controllers

There are three types of controllers in Casambi Pro:

  • Switches
  • Sensors
  • Schedules


In Casambi Pro, controllers are first created as virtual placeholders in Casambi Pro for Windows. These placeholders can be configured already in the configuration design phase. At the commissioning phase, the virtual controllers are replaced by the real devices.


Switches and sensors can also be paired into Pro networks as new controller devices (= not replacing a virtual controller placeholder). In this case, they will not have a pre-configuration and need to be programmed afterwards manually in either Pro for Windows or iOS. 


Controller configuration workflow:

  1. Add a virtual controller element into a space (switch, sensor or schedule) in Casambi Pro for Windows.
  2. Configure the virtual controller (Pro for Windows or iOS)
  3. In Pro for iOS, replace the virtual controller by pairing a real controller device on top of it. The real device’s image appears on the layout.
  4. Test that the controller works.
  5. Fine tune the configuration (Pro for iOS or Windows)


Creating a virtual controller in Casambi Pro for Windows

Virtual controller placeholders can be created only in Casambi pro for Windows.


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Methods for creating a new space

  1. Click on one of the controller tool icon buttons in the Home ribbon and use it to place a controller inside a space (use keyboard keys W, R or T to quickly activate the tools), or
  2. Right-click a space row in Project Explorer pane and select New Controller command, or
  3. Right-click over the layout over a space in the layout view and select New Controller command.


When a controller is created using a context menu command, a New Controller dialog is displayed:


  1. Controller type selection.

  2. Name of the controller (mandatory).

  3. If the switch controller type is selected, number of switch button can be set here. By default, a switch has one button.




Controller tools in the Home ribbon

The three controller icon buttons in the Home ribbon can be used for quickly adding many controllers into spaces. The New Controller dialog is not displayed when using these tools for creating controller placeholders. All three tools work the same way.

Controllers can be created only with Casambi Pro for Windows, but they can be edited also with the iOS version of Casambi Pro.


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Using the controller tools:

  1. Select one of the three controller tools from the Home ribbon or use keyboard keys W, R or T to quickly activate the tools.
  2. Click inside any space to create a virtual controller. A new controller placeholder is created with every mouse click. New controllers will be named automatically.
  3. The Controller tool can be changed back to the Select tool by
    • Hitting the Esc or V keys on your keyboard, or by
    • Clicking the Select tool in the Home ribbon.

 Also, selecting another tool from the ribbon dismisses the currently used tool.


Switch properties

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  1. Name of the switch (mandatory)
  2. Network where the switch belongs to. A switch belongs always to the same network than its parent space.
  3. List of switch buttons. A switch can have 1 to 8 buttons.
  4. A new button can be added with the “Add button” button.
  5. A button can be deleted by clicking the trash can icon in the button row. A switch must always have at least one button.
  6. Each button is programmed by selecting a behaviour for it.
  7. After a real switch is paired (replacing a virtual switch), real device’s picture is displayed instead of the standard switch icon.
  8. After pairing, the Device Details tab shows details of the real switch device.
  9. The switch can be deleted by clicking the Delete button (trash can icon) at the top right corner of the property pane.
    Note: A real paired switch must always be unpaired first before it can be deleted from a project. Otherwise, the network still thinks that the controller is part of the network.


Switch button behaviours

Each switch button is configured by selecting one of the behaviour options. Available behaviours with their additional options are:

  • None
    • When a button is clicked, nothing happens
  • Toggle group on/off
    • One group in the same space is toggled on/off. 
    • The “Group” selection list in switch properties lists all groups in current space.
  • Toggle scene on/off
    • One scene in the same space is toggled on/off.
    • The “Scene” selection list in switch properties lists all scenes in current space.
    • Long press dimming can be disabled with the “Disable long press for dimming” selection. If this option is activated, scene’s dimming level cannot be changed with long press of the button or with other +/- buttons in the switch. For example, dimming with the extra buttons in a Casambi Xpress switch would be disabled.
  • Toggle network on/off
    • The entire network is toggled on/off.
  • Resume automation in group
    • When button is clicked, the manual control is removed from the selected group.
    • When this option is selected, a group selection is added to the button properties.
  • Resume automation in network
    • When clicked, the manual control layer is removed from the current control hierarchy.


Sensor properties


Casambi Pro supports both presence and daylight functionalities. However, it is good to note that the sensor property pane shows the device details and settings for configuring only the presence sensors. The lux/daylight sensor values from a daylight sensor are used for controlling dimming in scenes, so the daylight related settings can be found in the scene property pane. 


  1. Name of the sensor (mandatory).
  2. Network where the sensor belongs to. A sensor belongs always to the same network than its parent space.
  3. Presence sensor mode selection. 
    • Presence
    • Presence/Absence
    • Absence
  4. Parameters for the selected presence sensor mode.
  5. After pairing, the Device Details tab shows details of the real switch device.
  6. Remove manual control option for automatic removing the sensor from the control hierarchy when presence is no longer detected and the linger time has passed. 
  7. The sensor can be deleted by clicking the Delete button (trash can icon) at the top right corner of the property pane.
    Note: A real paired sensor should always be unpaired first before it is deleted from a project. Otherwise, the network still thinks that the controller is part of the network.



Presence sensor mode options


When in Presence mode, the presence sensor activates a scene after detecting a presence. When the presence is no longer detected and the linger time has passed, it will be faded out.




Presence scene

Selection list of all scenes in the current space. One can be selected.

Linger time

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 59 min 59 s.

Fade time

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 59 min 59 s.

Remove manual control

On / Off



When in Presence/Absence mode, the presence sensor activates a scene after detecting a presence. When the presence is no longer detected and the linger time has passed, the absence scene will be faded in.




Presence scene

Selection list of all scenes in the current space. One can be selected.

Linger time

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 59 min 59 s.

Absence scene

Selection list of all scenes in the current space. One can be selected.

Absence timeout

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 23 h 59 min 59 s.

Fade time

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 59 min 59 s.

Remove manual control

On / Off



The Absence mode is not a direct control. It will time out the manual control on affected luminaires after the presence is no longer detected and the linger time has passed.




Linger time

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 59 min 59 s.

Absence scene

Selection list of all scenes in the current space. One can be selected.

Absence timeout

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 23 h 59 min 59 s.

Fade time

Time setting, value range: 0 s – 59 min 59 s.

Remove manual control

On / Off



Schedule properties

The Schedule controller (also sometimes referred as a “Timer”) is used to create schedules in spaces which can be configured to turn scenes on and off based on the time or date or sunrise/sunset times.


A schedule is created the same way as the other controllers, as described in previous chapters in this document. Although a schedule object has no exact physical location, it is represented in the layout with a selectable schedule symbol.



  1. Name of the schedule (mandatory).

  2. Space where the schedule belongs to. 


  1. General settings for the schedule:
    • Schedule enable/disable selection
    • Scene selection for the schedule
    • Fade time for the schedule activation/deactivation

  2. Schedule activation parameters. This section can be collapsed and expanded.

  3. Schedule deactivation parameters. This section can be collapsed and expanded.

  4. The schedule can be deleted by clicking the Delete button (trash can icon) at the top right corner of the property pane. Deleting is possible only with Casambi Pro for Windows.



Schedule properties are similar both in Casambi Pro for Windows and for iOS.

Schedule activation and deactivation settings

For schedule activation and deactivation timing, user can select between three options:

  • Weekdays
  • Date
  • After (Deactivation only)


The “Weekdays” and “Date” timing options are similar both in Activate and Deactivate sections.






  1. On/Off selection of weekdays when the schedule should be activated/deactivated.

  2. Setting for the exact time of day for the schedule activation/deactivation. 


  1. As an option for the day of time, activation/deactivation can take place at sunrise or sunset. To use these options, the network location needs to be set in project settings. The location setting is initially available only on Casambi Pro for Windows (coming later to iOS version).





If the Date timing option is selected, the Date setting is displayed instead of weekdays.


The Time, Sunrise and Sunset settings are similar than in the Weekdays option. 





The After timing option is available only in the Deactivate settings.


When the After option is selected, a time setting is available with a time range 0 h 0 min – 23 h 59 min. 




Duplicating a controller

A controller can be duplicated within its parent space by using the Duplicate Controller command in controller’s context menu.


If the duplicated controller already is a real paired device, only the controller object and its configuration is duplicated. Thus, the new copy of the controller is a virtual placeholder.


The context menu also allows user to delete the controller.


Controllers can be duplicated only in Pro or Windows.

Notes about controllers

  • New virtual controllers can be added only in Casambi Pro for Windows. 
  • On Casambi Pro for iOS, a controller can be paired either on top of a virtual controller or as a new unit, without using a virtual placeholder.
  • One controller belongs always to only one space.
  • A controller cannot be moved or copied between spaces. However, they can be duplicated inside one space.
  • It is possible to edit all switch, sensor and schedule properties in Pro for Windows and Pro for iOS. 
  • Pairing real controller devices over the controller placeholders is possible only with Casambi Pro for iOS.
  • In the initial Pro versions, the schedule controller has some functional limitations:
    • Project (site) wide schedule cannot be created. Schedule’s functional scope is limited to the space where the schedule resides.
    • No Override Presence feature.
    • It is not possible to leave the Deactivation time unset (empty).


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