- Overview to Scenes in Casambi Pro
- Creating a scene
- Values in the Scenes table
- Scene properties
- Deleting a scene
- Dimming control in a scene
- Notes about scenes
Overview to Scenes in Casambi Pro
in Casambi Pro, scenes are created separately for each space. The Scenes table lists scenes in a selected space as columns and all luminaire groups in the space as rows.
Scene principles in Casambi Pro:
- A scene is always part of one space.
- Scene’s functional scope is its own parent space.
- Scenes are triggered by controllers (sensors, switches and schedules).
- By default, every scene controls the dimming level of each luminaire group in the parent space. User can use the scene properties to add other lighting parameters to the scene (e.g. Colour Temperature)
- By default, every luminaire group is included in the scene, following scene’s default values. The default values can be overridden in the scene properties.
- The Scenes table displays contents only when a space or an item inside it is selected.
- New scenes can be created only in Casambi Pro for Windows, but they can be adjusted also with the Pro for iOS version.
Overview to the Scenes table and property pane:
- Selected space’s name is shown at top left corner of the Scenes pane. If the space is based on a space template, also the template name is shown here.
- New Scene button for creating new scenes. When the button is clicked, a dialog is opened where the scene name can be entered, and the default dimming level can be set.
- Scenes as columns
- Scenes are listed in columns. There is no limit how many scenes can be added. However, it is essential to keep in mind that in one network,maximum total number of scenes is 250.
- The header row of each column shows the name of the scene and the default dimming level. If other parameters have been set, the colour temperature is displayed as Kelvin value and other parameters as icons.
- Each cell in the table can be selected by clicking it. Thus, if the top cell in a scene column is selected, the scene default values are displayed in the properties pane.
- Luminaire groups as rows
- All luminaire groups in selected space are listed in the leftmost column of the table.
- Each row represents one luminaire group.
- Each cell in a row shows how the luminaire group responds when a scene is activated.
- Each cell in the table can be selected by clicking it. Single group’s behaviour in each scene can be edited by first activating a cell in the table, and then editing the parameters in the properties pane.
- Property pane’s top part displays general information for the selected cell in the Scenes table.
- If the topmost cell in a scene column is selected, the properties pane shows the default values for the scene.
- If a cell in a luminaire group row is selected, the properties pane shows the used values for the selected luminaire group in that scene.
- The Main, Other, Links and Notes tabs display the parameters and values for the item that is selected in the Scenes table.
Creating a scene
New scenes can be created and edited in both Windows PC and iOS versions of the Casambi Pro.
Values in the Scenes table
The Scenes table displays both default and customized settings for scenes.
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Scene properties
Dimming level is the only mandatory parameter for a scene in Casambi Pro. When needed, additional parameters can be activated in the Mains and Other tabs. In the initial Casambi Pro versions, there are three additional parameters: Colour Temperature, Colour and Up/Down light ratio. More parameters will be added in future releases.
Scene defaults
The default values of a scene will be inherited automatically by all luminaire groups in the same space.
Group specific scene values
If user wants to customize scene values for a certain group instead of using the default scene settings, he/she can select a single cell in the Scenes table and set the custom values in the Properties pane.
Scene table in Casambi Pro for iOS
The scenes are displayed as a table also in the iOS version of Casambi Pro.
- The Scenes pane is opened/closed from the top toolbar.
- The pane can be resized by dragging the top part of the pane up and down.
- Structure of the scenes pane is same as in Pro for Windows.
- Each cell in the table can be selected to see their details in the properties pane.
- In Pro for iOS, it is possible to run scenes directly from the scenes pane by tapping the Play buttons. The buttons are disabled if there is no connection to the network.
- The Resume automation button can be used to remove the manual control from the network, e.g. when the scenes have been tested with the iPad.
- New scenes can be created with the New Scene button.
Deleting a scene
A scene can be deleted in Casambi Pro for Windows by selecting the topmost cell in the Scenes table, and then tapping the delete button in scene properties (trash can icon). Deleting is not yet possible with Casambi Pro for iOS.
Dimming control in a scene
The dimming control is always part of a scene. There are two methods to control dimming:
- Dim level (default)
- Daylight control
Dim level
By default, every scene has a static dim level control. The default value for dimming is 100%.
Daylight control
In addition to a static dimming level, the dimming can be controlled by a daylight sensor. Daylight controlled scenes utilize information provided by a lux sensor, to automatically adjust the scene lighting level based on the amount of light available.
In the initial version of daylight control in Casambi Pro, the available mode of operation for the daylight control is Constant Light (in the Casambi App this is called “Closed loop”). In Constant Light, the selected lux sensor actively adjusts the luminaires in the active scene to try to reach and maintain the set luminance level via a feedback loop, by observing its own changes. The sensor is affected by both the light from the luminaires in the scene, and by natural light in the area.
Daylight control in Casambi Pro for Windows
Notes about daylight control:
- Only one sensor can be selected for controlling the dimming in a scene
- Casambi Pro does not support reading values only from luminaires with integrated or dedicated sensors.
- In Casambi Pro, some parameters familiar from the Casambi App are using static values:
- Change rate: 2,5 seconds
- Tolerance: 15%
- Initially there is no Activation Level graph available in Casambi Pro.
- Limitation with Spaces linked to a space template:
- The target lux level is manually set in the space template editor in Pro for Windows.
- Each templated space uses the same target lux value.
- If you need to adjust the desired illuminance levels individually for each templated space in Casambi Pro for iOS, the spaces must be first unlinked from the parent template.
Daylight control in Casambi Pro for iOS
The daylight control dimming levels can be set on iOS in a separate mode, where the luminaires’ dimming level can be first set in real time to the desired value and then those values are saved to the configuration.
- The Adjust button opens the Adjustment view where the luminance levels of the luminaires can be set to desired level in real time.
- After the targeted luminance level has been adjusted, the target lux level is shown in the properties. This value can also be entered manually.
Note, that with spaces that are linked to a space template, the adjustment mode is not available. Target lux level must be changed in the space template editor in Casambi Pro for Windows.
In the daylight scene adjustment view, the iPad is connected to the network and sensor’s and luminaires’ statuses are displayed in real time. Here each group’s dimming level can be adjusted to the desired luminance level.
- Sensor’s lux levels are displayed in real time.
- Luminaire’s dimming level is shown with indicator bars under the luminaire elements in each group.
- Scene’s default maximum dimming level can be adjusted when the space is selected. By selecting a single group, its dimming levels in the scene can be adjusted individually.
- When the desired dimming levels have been adjusted, the settings can be saved by tapping the Save button. When this is done, the scene adjustment view is closed, and the user is returned to the main edit view.
Notes about scenes
- Scenes can be deleted only in Casambi Pro for Windows.
- When a space is created by using a space template, the scene values can only be edited in the space template editor in Casambi Pro for Windows.
- Currently (Oct 2024) it is not possible to create scenes with larger scope than one space.