Space templates
Space templates can be used for creating and managing similar spaces with same kind of group and control structures. For example, if a building has many repetitive spaces like meeting rooms, corridors, or storage rooms, they could be created using a space template. Spaces created with a template will be updated if their master template is edited.
Space templates can be created and modified only in Casambi Pro for Windows.
Overview to space templates
- Any space can be saved as a template. When this is done, the original space will be an instance of the new template.
- When a space is saved as template, all original space’s contents is included in the template.
- When a new space is created by using a template,
- It will inherit all template’s elements and configuration values.
- Its geometry can be freely changed, but the lighting configuration must be edited by editing the template itself.
- Same template can be used for creating spaces on any of the layouts in the project.
- Templated space instances can belong to any network in the project.
- Space instances can be detached from the template. After the link to the template is broken, the space instance will become an independent space which can be freely edited.
- Note: If space’s link to the space template is deleted, it is not possible to link it again to a template.
- When a space template is edited, the changes will be propagated to all of its child instances.
- If template’s geometry is changed, the existing child instances sizes, shapes or item locations are not changed.
- There are limitations for deleting of space templates if any of the spaces created from the template has paired devices in them.
Principle for using space templates
- A space is constructed with needed contents (spaces, luminaire groups, controllers and scenes). Then the space is saved as a space template.
- The space template is used when creating new space instances.
- Space instances can be created on any layout in a project, using the same template.
- Space instances can belong to any network, regardless of if a template is used or not.
- The created space instances have the same control structure and control logic as the space template. However,
- Their geometry (shape and positioning) can be freely adjusted, and
- Any number of luminaires can be paired into the luminaire groups (the template does not limit contents of luminaire groups).
- If there is a need to change configuration of the space instances following a space template, it is done by editing the template itself.
When changes are saved, they are applied automatically to all space instances following the template.
Creating a space template
Any space can be saved as a space template (even an empty space). When a template is created, the original space is converted to an instance of the new template. Space templates can be created only with Casambi Pro for Windows.
Using the space template
When a space is created using a space template, it will inherit its composition and control logic from the template used. The positioning of elements and shapes of the space and its group areas are fully editable, but the control logic is still following the setup in the template.
Creating a space based on a template:
- Create a space by using the context menu command or by drawing the space shape.
- In the New Space dialog, you can select a template you want to use for the new space.
- After clicking the Create button, the new space is created based on the selected template. It will appear on the layout following the size, shape, and contents of the template.
After the space is created, it is possible to move or resize it and edit its element positioning.
In case you want to change the element structure or control logic of a space which is linked to a template, you need to edit the logic of the template, in template editor (see next page in this guide). It is also possible to detach a space from its template, by using the Unlink button in the space properties.
Editing space templates
When there is a need to edit the control logic or add or remove elements in spaces created by using a space template, it needs to be done by editing the template itself. When a template is modified and saved, the changes are applied to all space instances created with that template. Template editing can be done with Casambi Pro for Windows only.
Editing a space template:
- Enter the space template editor by clicking the pen icon at the space template list in the main workspace
- In the space editor view, the original space is shown with its content. Luminaire groups, controllers and scenes can now be added, removed or edited.
- Modified template can be saved and applied to all space instances by clicking the “Apply template changes and exit” button. When this is done, the template editor is closed and all space instances in the project are updated.
- Clicking the Cancel button discards all changes in the template, and the child space instances are not updated.
Please note that
- If something is added or removed, it will affect all child space instances.
- Luminaire groups or controllers cannot be removed from the template if there are real devices added to the related controller placeholders or luminaire groups in any of the spaces created with the template.
- Editing the geometry or positioning of the elements in the template do not affect the appearance of the already existing space instances created with the template. Geometry changes will be visible next time a new space instance is created.
Detaching a space from a space template
Detaching a space from a template may be needed if there is a need to do some customization in single space’s configuration.
Linkage between a space instance and its parent template can be removed. When this is done, the space is detached from the template, and it becomes a fully independent object which can be freely edited.
To unlink a space from its parent template, click the Unlink button in space properties. Unlinking cannot be undone.
Deleting a space template
Space template can be deleted by selecting it in the Space Templates pane in Pro for Windows and pressing the Delete button in the property pane.
A space template cannot be deleted if there are space instances linked to the template. Thus, the child instances created with the template must first be removed before the template can be deleted.
Notes about space templates
- A template can be used anywhere in a project, regardless on which layout it was first created.
- In the initial Casambi Pro for iOS versions, it is not possible to edit parameters of spaces or its contents if the space uses a space template. Space template editing needs to be done using the Windows PC version of Casambi Pro.
- Space template properties do not yet list child space instance’s luminaire groups or controllers.