Pairing devices to networks



In Casambi Pro, networks are first created as virtual placeholders as explained in previous chapter. To convert the virtual networks to real physical Casambi mesh networks in the commissioning phase, real Casambi enabled devices must be added (paired) to them. 


To add real devices to the virtual networks, user must use and Apple iOS device (iPad is recommended) with the Casambi Pro for iOS application.


General concepts

  • What does “Pairing” mean?
    • Pairing = To make Casambi enabled devices part of a network, they need to be added to networks prepared with Casambi Pro. This is referred to as Pairing.
  • What does “Paired” and “Unpaired” mean?
    • Paired = A Casambi enabled device is already a part of an existing Casambi wireless network. If a device is in a "paired" state it means that it has been added to a network. If you want to add an already paired device to a different network then it first needs to be unpaired from the network it is currently part of.
    • Unpaired = A Casambi enabled device in not part of a Casambi network. It must be added to a network in order to it to be controlled/programmed. When a Casambi enabled device shows as unpaired it means that it has not been added to a Casambi network and cannot be controlled with Casambi app. When powering a Casambi enabled device for the first time it will appear as unpaired in the app.
  • The paired/unpaired status of any nearby Casambi enabled device can be seen in the Casambi Pro for iOS app in the 'Nearby devices' screen. This screen shows a list of all Casambi enabled devices that are powered on and are close to the mobile device (i.e. Within Bluetooth signal range).
  • Casambi Pro lighting systems must be commissioned with the Casambi Pro for iOS. Pairing/unpairing of Casambi enabled devices cannot be done with Casambi Pro for Windows.
  • When creating the networks, an essential requirement is that the real devices in a single network must all be in radio communication range with each other. You can’t include devices into one network if they are physically too far away from each other to be able to communicate.  
  • Limitations:
    • It is not possible to use the standard Casambi App to pair devices to Casambi Pro networks.
    • It is not possible to use Casambi Pro for Windows to pair real devices to networks.


Nearby devices list

Casambi Pro for iOS can detect and list Casambi enabled devices which are near to the iOS device where the user is running the Pro application. The devices are listed in the Nearby Devices pane. This list is not available on Pro for Windows.


  1. Nearby devices list can be toggled open/close using the button at the right end of the top toolbar

  2. When the list is opened, Casambi Pro scans the nearby environment, and then lists all detected Casambi enabled devices in the view. The list can be updated by dragging it down with finger.

  3. Filter button to set up filtering criteria to narrow down the displayed items in the list. The list can be filtered based on network, device manufacturer and fixture type.

  4. Sort button to sort the list by the name of the device, by its signal strength or by network.

  5. EnOcean button for pairing EnOcean devices. This button is available only on iPhone




Note: Battery powered devices (e.g. the Casambi Xpress switch) must be activated first before they can be detected and listed in Casambi Pro nearby device list.

Information in the nearby device list

  1. Each device is presented as a list row. Detailed device details can be accessed by tapping a device row.

  2. Device icon set in its fixture profile by the manufacturer/vendor.

  3. A round arrow badge indicates that there is a firmware update available for the device.

  4. Signal strength indicator. Circles are used for standard Casambi enabled devices, squares for the long range versions.

  5. Device name.
  6. Network information. Here is either the network name where the device belongs to, or text “UNPAIRED” if the device is not in a network.
  7. Pair button. Visible only for unpaired devices.
  8. Identify button. Pressing this makes the luminaire blink so it can be identified. This button is available only for luminaires.



Adding devices to networks

Casambi enabled devices can be added to networks only with Casambi Pro for iOS.


Project prerequisites for pairing devices

  1. The project must have at least one layout with one space and one luminaire group. 
  2. There must be a placeholder network (created in Casambi Pro for Windows) or an existing Pro network. 
  3. The space to which you want to pair the device must be linked to a placeholder or real network. 


Controllers are paired to spaces, and luminaires are paired to luminaire groups in spaces.


Casambi Cloud Gateways and Casambi DALI Controllers (Salvador products) are paired directly into networks, and they can be placed anywhere in the layout. They can be initially added as placeholders in Casambi Pro for Windows which are replaced with real ones at the pairing phase. However, it is also possible to add a Cloud Gateway and DALI controller also without a placeholder.



Pairing options in iPad

  1. Select the target object (for controllers) or target group (for luminaires) from the layout and press the Pair button in the device list.
  2. Long-press on the device row in the nearby devices list and drag-and-drop it into desired target (space, placeholder or group, depending on if the item is a controller or a luminaire).
    1. When an item is dragged, an icon (plus or deny) on the top right corner of the dragged item indicates if the item can be dropped on the underlying place.
    2. If the target where the item is dropped does not belong to a network, the application gives an error explaining why the pairing is not possible.


Pairing multi-functional devices


Devices which have more than one functionality in one physical fixture unit (e.g. a luminaire and a sensor in same device) can also be paired the same way as single-function devices. When this is done, each different part of the fixture will have their own elements in the layout, Project Explorer list and Network list.



UI after pairing a device with two functions (in this case, a luminaire + sensor):

  1. The device appears as two elements attached together. 
    • The luminaire part is circular, and the controller part is a rectangle.
    • A device like this must be paired to a luminaire group.
    • When moved, both fixture parts move together.
  2. In the Project Explorer list and Network list, each part of the multi-functional fixture is listed in its own row. However, as the Casambi mesh network sees the combi-device as one unit, they are counted only as one device. Thus, the controller part(s) of the fixture is represented with dots in the lists.


Luminaire + controller device’s controller part can be paired either as a new device or on top of existing controller placeholder. However, it will always appear next to its sibling luminaire.



Pairing Casambi Cloud Gateways


The actual Cloud Gateway units can be added to networks in two ways:


  • On top of a gateway placeholder (like pairing a sensor or switch), or
  • As a new device without a placeholder.


If there is a gateway placeholder and its serial number was entered

If the gateway serial number was entered already when the placeholder was created in the Pro for Windows, user does not need to add it manually on the iPad. The network finds the device automatically if it is present. In this case, the device information is updated in the project.


If the real device's serial number matches the predefined serial number in the gateway placeholder, the device is paired without any prompts. A prompt is displayed if a gateway device is automatically detected but the serial numbers do not match.


Pairing as a new device


To be detectable by Casambi Pro and visible on the nearby devices list, the gateway unit must be powered up. 


The unpaired gateway devices are shown in the list with its serial number.

Pairing can be done the same way as any other device.


Note: The already paired cloud gateway devices cannot be shown in the device list.





After a successful pairing, the cloud gateway device is removed from the nearby device list and the placeholder icons on the layout, Project Explorer and Network list are replaced by the Casambi Cloud Gateway icon. Gateway’s properties can be accessed by clicking the gateway element.



Connecting the Cloud Gateway to Internet


The final step in connecting a gateway is to select how it is connected to the Internet.


In cloud gateway’s properties, the Internet connection can be set in the Connection section.


  • If an Ethernet cable with Internet connection is attached to the device, the connection is ready for use without any actions.
  • If there is no Ethernet cable, you need to select a Wi-Fi connection. In this case, select a Wi-Fi network manually.
  • The connection method can be changed afterwards if needed.



Changing Internet connection method


When changing the internet connection method from WiFi to Ethernet, you only need to

  • Connect an Ethernet cable to the Cloud Gateway device. The connection type is changed automatically.


When changing the internet method from a WiFi network to another Wifi network, you need to 

  • First unpair the Cloud Gateway gateway device,
  • Pair the gateway again and
  • Select the preferred WiFi network.


Pairing DALI Controllers


Pairing a Casambi DALI controller (a Casambi Salvador unit) is done in a similar way as any other Casambi Ready device from the nearby devices list, by drag-drop or clicking the link icon. The DALI controller will be paired

  • On top of a Casambi DALI controller placeholder (like pairing a sensor or switch), or
  • As a new device without a placeholder.



DALI driver discovery process


Step 1: Entering the Discovery view


At the end of pairing of a Casambi Salvador unit, Casambi Pro will ask if you want to proceed to discover the DALI drivers in the DALI network. The discovery can be done also later if you don’t want to run the discovery immediately when pairing the Salvador unit.


The discovery view can be accessed also from the DALI controller properties.


A screenshot of a computer program

Description automatically generated


The DALI discovery view

  1. The DALI discovery view shows only the spaces and groups which belong to the current network.
  2. It is possible to navigate between layouts if the network has spaces in more than one layout. 
  3. After the discovery process is done, the discovered DALI drivers (luminaires) will appear in the right-side pane.
  4. The Scan button starts the discovery process.
  5. Buttons for saving or discarding the DALI configuration.


Step 2: Running the DALI discovery


When the “Scan” button is tapped, the system starts to search for DALI drivers from the DALI network the Casambi Salvador unit is connected to. The discovery phase can take up to one minute. When drivers (luminaires) are found, they are listed in the right-side pane.


After the discovery is completed, following prompt is displayed.



Step 3: Assign DALI luminaires to luminaire groups in layouts


After the scan is finished, all found DALI drivers (luminaires) are listed in the right side of the screen. If it looks like not all drivers were found, you can run the scan again.


Next, you need to define in which luminaire groups the devices reside. The units can be added to the correct luminaire group either by tapping the “target” icon or by dragging the items from the list to the floor plan. All units must be assigned to a luminaire group before the configuration can be saved.



Placing the DALI luminaires to the floor plan

  1. Drag and drop a luminaire from the list, or
  2. Tap the Target icon at the luminaire list The application asks into which group the luminaire should be placed.
  3. The visible layout can be selected from the top left corner. Note, that the layout list will contain only those layouts which have luminaire groups which belong to the same network as the DALI Controller.
  4. To identify each luminaire, tap the Blink icon The luminaire starts to blin.

Step 4: Save the DALI configuration


After all DALI drivers (luminaires) have been placed into luminaire groups, you can either save or discard the DALI device configuration by tapping the Save or Discard buttons at the top right corner of the screen.


After saving the configuration, all DALI luminaires will appear in the project layout, and they can be controlled the same way as any other Casambi Ready luminaire.


DALI Controller properties after DALI drivers have been added:



Updating configuration to networks

If new configuration changes have been made in a Casambi Pro project, they need to be uploaded to the network(s) using the iPad. Please note that the configuration changes can be made both with the Windows and the iPad versions of Casambi Pro. However, only the iPad version can be used for uploading the new configurations to the networks.


Principle for changing and updating configurations of existing networks






Update configuration UI in Pro for iOS


New configuration changes which are not yet uploaded to networks are indicated in the Pro for iOS UI by red and grey triangular icons. The circular arrow button allows the user to reload the configuration to the network.


  1. The Networks toggle button in the top toolbar shows an animated triangle if there have been any new configuration changes made, and those have not yet been uploaded to the networks in this project.
  2. In the Network list, there is a red or grey triangular icon next to the network name if there are some pending changes that have not yet been uploaded to this network.
    When you are within Bluetooth range of a network and want to upload new configurations to it, tap the red triangle next to the network name to upload the latest configuration to the network.

    If the icons are grey, there are configuration changes pending for upload, but the network cannot be reached at that moment.

  3. The button with a circular arrow can be used to reload the configuration to the network.







In iPad’s settings view, there is a possibility to select if the network configuration is uploaded after pairing automatically or manually. Normally the network configuration is updated automatically after every pairing/unpairing operation, which can sometimes be time consuming especially in big networks. 


If the manual option is used (= the setting is OFF), it can make pairing of devices faster. However, in this case, once the pairing operation is done, you must remember to update the latest configuration to the network manually by pressing the Update button in the network list.

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