- Overview to spaces
- Creating a space
- Duplicating a space
- Editing spaces in the layout
- Deleting a space
- The Edit Shape Tool
- The Label Position tool
- Space properties
- Notes about spaces
Overview to spaces
In Casambi Pro, a space is a room-like container for luminaire groups and controllers. The user can freely create spaces on top of the layout, marking the different rooms or areas within it. Each space must be joined into a network before controller can be paired to it or luminaires into luminaire groups within the space.
Spaces are containers which include luminaire groups and switches, sensors and schedules which are used for controlling them. A space can contain 1-250 Casambi enabled devices (luminaires, switches or sensors).
When designing the installation, it is recommended to stop and think about what is the preferred way the light installation will be controlled, and what would be the best way to organize the spaces in this particular case. Depending on the case, there may be many separate room spaces where a room based space structure would be best. On the other hand, in big open spaces, just one or few big spaces would be the best solution. The example below illustrates how same area could be organized in different ways.
Space principles:
- Space resides always on one layout, it cannot extend from layout to another.
- Spaces can overlap visually.
- Spaces cannot be nested = A space cannot contain other spaces in it.
- Controllers (switches, sensors and schedules) only reside inside a space.
- Controllers and luminaire groups can only be part of one space at a time.
- Controllers cannot trigger events outside of its own space.
- A space must be joined to a network before real devices can be paired into it.
- A space and all its contents belong always to one network.
- If a space contains any real paired devices, it cannot be deleted.
- A space, together with its contents and configurations, can be saved as a Space Template in Casambi Pro for Windows. Space templates enable easy reuse of similar space structures all over the project. See details in the Space Templates section in this user guide.
Creating a space
Spaces can be created or modified only in Casambi pro for Windows.
Methods for creating a new space
- Click on the Space tool icon button in the Home ribbon and use it to draw a space in canvas, or
- Right-click the layout row in Project Explorer pane and select New Space command, or
- Right-click over the layout in the layout view and select New Space command.
When spaces are created using the context menu commands, spaces will be created with default shape and size.
The Space Tool
The space tool can be used for drawing spaces on the layout in three ways:
- Click somewhere on the layout
- Space is created with default size
- Space naming dialog is shown (New Space popup, see below)
- Press down the left mouse button and drag
- Space is created as a rectangle, user can adjust its size and shape
- When the left mouse button is released, the space naming dialog is shown
- Keep CTRL button pressed and click in space's corner points
- Each click creates a new corner point.
- A space must have at least three corner points.
- After clicking the first corner point, the CTRL key can be released.
- If the CTRL button is pressed during creation of the corner points, the guides are not shown.
- If the CTRL button is released after first corner point click, the tool provides guidelines to help creating 45- and 90-degree corners between the sides of the polygon.
- The created polygon will be closed and completed when the starting point is clicked again. The space naming dialog will be displayed.
Note: Use keyboard shortcut S to quickly change to the space tool. The space tool can be changed back to the standard Select tool by pressing the Esc key in the keyboard.
New Space Dialog
This dialog is displayed when a new space is added.
- Name for the space
- The name is mandatory.
- A space name must have at least one character. Other than that, there are no specific naming rules.
- Name does not have to be unique. However, some kind of systematic naming convention is recommended.
- Space template selection
- If the project has space templates, they are all listed here.
- If a template is selected, the new space will inherit its contents from the template.
- Template selection is not mandatory.
- If user wants to create spaces based on a template, the template selection must be done at the time the space is created. A space cannot be linked to a template afterwards.
- Network selection
- Each space must be attached to a network before any real devices can be paired to it.
- Network selection is not mandatory at the time space is created.
- Network selection can be changed in space's properties if there are no real devices paired in it.
Duplicating a space
A space together with all of its contents can be duplicated by using the Duplicate Space command in space's context menu.
The context menu also allows user to add luminaire groups and controllers into the space, or to delete the space.
Spaces can be duplicated only in Pro for Windows. |
Editing spaces in the layout
In Casambi Pro for Windows, the space shapes can be edited in the layout. Adding or editing spaces or luminaire groups is not possible in the iOS version.
Moving a space
| Resizing a space
Deleting a space
Options for deleting a space:
- In the Project Explorer list, right-click the space name and select Delete from the space context menu
- In the layout, right-click a space and select Delete from the space context menu
- In the layout, select a space and click Delete button in Home ribbon
- When a space is selected, click the Delete (trash can) button in space's properties in the Properties pane.
- When a space is selected, hit the Delete button on your keyboard.
- Spaces can be deleted only with Casambi Pro for Windows.
- A space cannot be deleted if it has any real devices paired to it.
- If a space has any contents, a deletion confirmation message is displayed to prevent accidental removal of spaces.
- Deletion of space cannot be undone.
The Edit Shape Tool
The Edit Shape tool in the Home ribbon can be used to edit space and luminaire group shapes in the layout. To quickly change to the Edit Shape tool, press key E in your keyboard.
Moving a corner point
| Creating a new corner point
Deleting a corner point
- With the Edit Shape tool, click a corner point to select it.
- Delete the corner point by
- Clicking the Delete button in the Home ribbon or
- Hit the Delete key on your keyboard
The Label Position tool
By default, space and group labels are positioned at top left corner of the area.
The label position can be changed by using the Label Position tool which can be accessed either from the Home ribbon or in the space right click context menu.
Label positions can be set only in Casambi Pro for Windows.
Space properties
When a space is selected, its properties are displayed in the Properties pane.
- Name of the space
- Can be edited in both Windows and iOS apps
- The name is mandatory
- Delete button
- A space can be deleted if it does not contain any paired devices.
- Space template
- Name of the space template if it has been used.
- The Add button (plus icon) can be used to create a new space template from the current space.
- Network where the space is attached to
- The drop-down selection lists all available networks.
- Spaces need to be attached to a network before they can contain any real devices.
- One space can belong to only one network.
- Network linkage can be changed if the space does not contain any real devices
- Luminaire Groups tab
- Lists all luminaire groups in current space.
- The Devices column shows the real and estimated numbers of luminaires for each luminaire group.
- Clicking on a group row selects the group and displays its properties.
- Controllers tab
- Lists all controllers in current space
- Clicking on a controller row selects the group and displays its properties.
- Notes tab
- A text input field for adding notes to the current space.
Notes about spaces
- Space shapes can visually overlap.
- Spaces cannot be hierarchically nested = A space cannot contain other spaces in it.
- Spaces cannot extend from one layout to another.
- Individual spaces cannot be moved or copied between layouts. However, similar spaces can be created in different layouts by using space templates.
- Creating, editing and removing spaces can be done only in Casambi Pro for Windows.
- In Casambi Pro for iOS, it is possible to edit
- Space name
- Network where the space is attached to (if the space does not contain any real devices)
- Notes
- Values in scenes in the space.